Warm up
3 tours
30 DU
20 shoulder tap
10 groiners
Emom 12min
Alt leg lift with 3sec pause
Toes to KB
Max Arch
Max Russian swing
For time
20 push ups / 1 squat
19 push ups / 2 squat
1 push up / 20 squats
Vidéo explicative
Dernière mise à jour : 26 avr. 2020
3 tours
30 DU
20 shoulder tap
10 groiners
Emom 12min
Alt leg lift with 3sec pause
Toes to KB
Max Arch
Max Russian swing
For time
20 push ups / 1 squat
19 push ups / 2 squat
1 push up / 20 squats
Vidéo explicative